How To Make KFC Fried Chicken Popcorn at Home with Soda water Recipe [ASMR]
KFC フライド チキン ポップコーン レシピ の作り方 [Eating sound]
My new channel for Cat Vlog: / @ninoandmeow
Instagram: / ohnino2
Facebook: / ninos-home-105401167869371
●● Recipe (レシピ):
- 500g Chicken breast
- 3/4Tsp Salt
- 1/4Tsp Black pepper
- 100ml Soda water
- Wait for 30 minutes
- 200g All purpose flour
- 1Tsp Garlic powder
- 1Tsp Chilli powder
- 1/2Tsp Black pepper
- 1 Egg
- High heat 3 minutes
#ASMR #OhNino #NinosHome #KFC
All the recipes and dishes I have made are referenced and learned on the internet, youtube, google... I'm not the first to make them, not the first to create a certain dish. . I just change the ingredients to make the dish suit my taste. And I just hope my video has an easy way to communicate so that you can successfully make the dishes that you like. If anything bothers you, I sincerely apologize.
And the last thing I am not a professional chef. I'm just a normal person, thank you.
1. KFC 치킨 팝콘 레시피
2. Gà rán ko xương KFC siêu giòn siêu ngonnn
3. Resep Popcorn ayam goreng KFC
4. สูตรไก่ทอด KFC ป๊อบคอร์น
5. 肯德基炸雞爆米花食譜
6. केएफसी फ्राइड चिकन पॉपकॉर्न रेसिपी
7. وصفة دجاج كنتاكي فرايد تشيكن
8. KFC Kızarmış Tavuk Patlamış Mısır Tarifi