*** Expected questions are listed as TIPs at the bottom, so please refer to them.
Braised radish tastes better when eaten cooled and refrigerated rather than hot.
It is a side dish eaten with rice.
*** Measurements are using scales (g), tablespoons (Tbsp), and teaspoons (tsp) (not measuring spoons)
✤ Ingredients
- 650g radish (20 pieces)
- 10g kelp
- Seafood back pack
- 1 White part of green onion
- 5 Whole garlic cloves
- 3 Spicy peppers
- 5 boiled eggs (soft-boiled/optional)
- 500ml Water
✤ Source
- 56g (7Tbsp) Soy sauce
- 16g (2Tbsp) Cooking wine
- 24g (2 Tbsp) Starch syrup
- 5g (0.5 Tbsp) Brown sugar
- 8g (0.8Tbsp) Ginger syrup (or 0.5Tbsp brown sugar)
- The order in which you add the ingredients is important.
- If you want to eat hard-boiled eggs, add them at the same time as adding radish.
- If you add soft-boiled eggs and boil them for just 1-2 minutes, the eggs will be softer when you eat them.
(If you put it in the refrigerator, the seasoning will soak in.)
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