কাবলাল জুমা ও বাদাল জুমা কত রাকাত? হাদিসের আলোকে জেনে নিন !

Masayel & Dolil

178,000 Subscribers

1,396 views since Nov 26, 2023

Zuhr salat on Friday is slightly different from other days and this salat is more important. Salatl Juma is more rewarding. Some additional salats are offered before and after the main salat in Friday salats. The correct rules and provisions of the extra salat are discussed in the video. Some Islamic scholars of Bangladesh have discussed this in this video.

Lecture given in this video:
00:00 intro
00:29 Shaykh Abdur Razzaq bin Yusuf
02:23 Sheikh Matiur Rahman Madani
04:10 D. Khandkar Abdullah Jahangir
07:10 D. Abu Bakr Md Zakaria
08:28 D. Mizanur Rahman Azhari
09:20 Sheikh Ahmadullah

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