Out with a friend in skywatching, recording anything interesting. I've done this countless times and once in a while something really unexplained is captured on camera. I'm not saying this is extraterrestrial, or anything paranormal. I'm really just trying to figure out what this could be. I presented the raw & edited version of the footage with filters and shared it w my friend who was there. We really try to figure out what the object/objects could be.
MUSIC BY: CO.AG MUSIC & Myuu & Kevin MacLeod
CO.AG MUSIC: / @co.agmusic
Myuu: / myuu
Homage: / homage253
^^ SUB to these guys! I use their awesome music a lot! :]
My video making process. I use Final Cut Pro X, Photoshop, and After Effects if needed. I also use royalty free music and image/video websites for these transformative videos. I add royalty free music sound effects. I do all the editing myself to make these videos as transformative as possible. The commentary is performed by me. I use analysis, commentary, and criticism.
My videos are information based in part on theory and conjecture. I am suggesting some possible explanations, but not necessarily the only answer to the videos we'll be looking at here. Some of this content may be fake and some may be real.