The Layman's Law School show hosted by Reid Sanders, Shawn Merzlak & Chace Hawk of the Hawk Law Group brings some current events to the podcast. This episode, they discuss the Alex Murdaugh trial, breaking down the testimony and explaining how they would handle the case were they on the jury, or even representing Alex Murdaugh themselves.
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00:00 - 00:34 - Intro
00:35 - 1:42 - Friday Drinks of the Week
1:43 - 5:10 - Alex Murdaugh background
5:11 - 8:24 - Murdaugh Trial background
8:25 - 19:52 - Point of View: Criminal Defense Attorney
19:53 - 27:14 - Alex Murdough Trial Teach Tape - Prosecution & Witnesses
27:15 - 32:04 - Reviewing the Evidence
32:05 - 36:49 - Attorney Trust Account, 190k in the hole
36:50 - 41:44 - Defense's response to the opening statements
41:45 - 49:34 - The 911 Call
49:35 - 1:03:00 Cross Examinations
103:01 - 1:15:07 - An Odd Tactic....
1:15:07 - 1:15:42 - Outro