When you have 1 avocado and 2 eggs, make this delicious breakfast!

Adelina Kocht

186,000 Subscribers

2,524 views since Nov 26, 2023

Let's make an incredibly delicious avocado sandwich! Prepare a delicious and healthy breakfast with avocado! A delicious avocado snack that will surprise everyone! Now I cook every day! Recipe in 10 minutes! It turns out to be very useful and tasty. This avocado snack is quick and easy to make! Healthy breakfast in minutes! Vegetarian recipes are very tasty and quick! Prepare this delicious breakfast with simple ingredients! If you love avocados, then be sure to cook up this incredibly delicious snack! Breakfast with chef Adeline!
Remove and cut the bone.
Repeat after me!
Chop the avocado with a fork.
Salt to taste.
Black pepper.
juice of 1/2 lemon.
Bread 2 slices.
Fry on both sides in a dry pan.
2 eggs.
Black pepper.
Mix well.
butter 15 g
Pour out the egg.
When the egg starts to set, start mixing.
Tomato 1/2.
chop finely
Add the avocado filling to the bread.
Add tomatoes.
Add an egg.
We grate cheese.
spinach leaves.
Cover with the second slice of bread.
butter 10 g
We fry the sandwich.
We cut into 2 parts.
Enjoy your meal!

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