How to turn milk into a sweet and chewy snack in 3 minutes

집밥요리 Home Cooking

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(※ Resting for 30 minutes is optional. You can eat them right away without putting them in the refrigerator once the rice cakes cool down.)

I like rice cakes, so I made rice cakes with milk.
Softly melts in your mouth~
The strange taste of chewing milk :)

+ There are many people who say that the shape of rice cake is sticky.
Put the rice cakes on a plate and let it cool for a while. Then, apply sesame oil or perilla oil to the spatula to remove the stickiness.
+ The process of resting in the refrigerator for 30 minutes is to harden the rice cakes so that they are easy to eat, and has nothing to do with the process of making rice cakes.

♣ Material
- 2T glutinous rice flour
- Starch powder 4T + 1t
- 200ml milk
- 3T sugar
- A little salt


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