The questioning of South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun on three separate occasions was justified and done with his consent, Incheon Metropolitan Police chief Kim Hui-jung said on Thursday. Lee’s body was found in a car at a park in Seoul on Wednesday, after he was reported missing amid a drug probe.
Kim expressed his condolences and "deep regret" over Lee's death, but added that the investigation, including one questioning which lasted 19 hours, was necessary to thoroughly hear out his side of the case and was done in the presence of Lee’s lawyer.
"The investigation of the deceased was conducted based on specific reports, testimony and evidence and under legally prescribed procedures," Kim said. “We will more thoroughly comply with relevant laws and regulations such as press affairs guidelines and ensure there is no negligence in protecting human rights.”
Meanwhile, film industry colleagues have been visiting the memorial set up at Lee's wake, including ‘Parasite’ director Bong Joon-ho and Netflix hit series 'Squid Game' actor Lee Jung-jae.
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