New way of making breakfast! Easy and delicious recipe that you and your family will love!
Make this breakfast recipe and you will be amazed! Simple and easy breakfast recipe! Quick, easy, delicious and creative recipe that you will love! Everything is simple, cheap and delicious! So easy to make that anyone can do it. I like creative recipes that are effortless but tasty. Try this incredibly delicious and creative recipe and let me know in a comment "How do you like it?" Have a delicious day! ❤️️🥰
2 chicken sausages or another of your choice
cut them as i show
4 eggs
some vegetable oil
a bit of salt
Fry for 2-3 minutes
Spring onion feathers
4-5 cherry tomatoes
shake the egg white
Dziugas cheese
Salt, pepper, garlic powder optional
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#Essen_von_Nata #eier recipes