How to make chocolate mousse cake 【Made with gelatin】 | Chocolate Pudding Dessert Recipe | Eggless

HiroMaru CooK TV

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The exquisite ratio of gelatin and chocolate produced a unique smooth texture
If you eat this, you can no longer return to ordinary mousse or pudding
And it's a simple recipe that only mixes everything

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【Un Poco De Todo】
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【ingredients】Toyo type(180×70×50mm)
100g Sweet chocolate
15g  Unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tablespoons hot water
250ml milk
200ml heavy Cream(42%)
30g  Granulated sugar
50g  Condensed milk
8g   Powdered gelatin
40ml water
Unsweetened cocoa powder

遠藤商事 業務用 半月足付トヨ型 210 18-0ステンレス 日本製 WTY03210

Add 40 ml of water to gelatin, soak it well, and heat it in a microwave oven at 600w for 20-30 seconds to completely dissolve it.

①Finely chop the sweet chocolate.

②Add 2 tablespoons of boiling water to the cocoa powder and mix well.

③Put milk in a pan and heat over medium heat. Add heavy Cream, granulated sugar, condensed milk, and the well-mixed cocoa from ② and mix well.(Warm to just before boiling.)

④Add the finely chopped chocolate ① and mix well to dissolve.

⑤Turn off the heat, add gelatin solution, strain with a strainer and receive in a bowl.

⑥Place the chocolate solution in a bowl in ice water and cool while mixing until thickened.

⑦Pour into a toyo mold lined with roll paper and chill in the refrigerator overnight.

⑧Take it out of the mold and sprinkle it with cocoa powder and it's done.

⑨When cutting, warm the knife to about 104°F with hot water and cut. After cutting, warm it again and wipe it clean before cutting.
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