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The incredible bravery shown by 1st Lt Jimmie W Monteith is the stuff of legend. On D-Day, 6 June 1944, near Colleville-sur-Mer, France. 1st Lt. Monteith landed with the initial assault waves. According to his Medal of Honor citation he "moved up and down the beach reorganizing men for further assault. He then led the assault over a narrow protective ledge and across the flat, exposed terrain to the comparative safety of a cliff. Retracing his steps across the field to the beach, he moved over to where 2 tanks were buttoned up and blind under violent enemy artillery and machinegun fire. Completely exposed to the intense fire, 1st Lt. Monteith led the tanks on foot through a minefield and into firing positions"
The beat of the brave heart of Virginia was brought to a tragic end in the green fields of France.
Jimmie W. Monteith now rests in the American Cemetery in Normandy, a fallen hero among many. His cross is emblazoned with a golden star and the inscription “Medal of Honor.”
The medal would be delivered to his mother during a simple ceremony in her home. She placed it next to a picture of Jimmie she kept on her mantel.
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