New adventure riders often fear using the front brake on dirt and gravel roads. Professional motorcycle instructor Dusty Wessels explains the front braking basic skills you need to build confidence for using your front brake almost everywhere on any traction surface.
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00:00 Colorado Scenic Intro
00:35 Braking Anxiety
01:15 Body Position for Front Braking
01:45 Pull the Clutch In
01:52 Apply the Front Brake Gently
02:26 Practice on Different Traction
03:13 Front vs Rear Brakes
03:45 ABS Front Braking
04:09 Wrap -up Recommendations
what have you heard about using your
front brake off-road?
don't do it you'll die! not the case at
it still controls most of your stopping
power the key is
getting used to how it reacts on
changing traction environments
there are three things to getting more
comfortable with using your front brake
welcome to MOTOTREK! i'm Dusty Wessels
professional motorcycle instructor with
West38 Moto
breaking anxiety... oh my gosh did i ever
have that when i first started riding
more specifically off-road braking
from the pavement a high traction
environment to the dirt a lower traction
so when i teach off-road classes one of
the things students are the most
apprehensive about
is using their front brake off-road
completely understandable
there are three things for you to
practice to make using your front brake
more comfortable off-road
the first thing to getting comfortable
using your front brake off-road
is to get your body in the right
position you want to move your weight
the reason you want to move your weight
back is because when you break or
decelerate all the weight goes forward
you want to counteract that you're in a
much better control position
if you're back here while you're trying
to slow the bike down
instead of being up here
just like riding anywhere else the next
step is pull the clutch in for a
smoother stop
so the third step is applying the front
with your weight back and the clutch in
use one or two fingers here
don't use your whole hand if you use
your whole hand you apply too much
one or two fingers allows delicate
control of the front brake
squeeze and apply pressure until you
the front wheel engaging with the
surface below you
and then continue to squeeze until you
come to a stop
in order for you to become proficient
using your front brake off road you've
got to practice
practice in multiple different traction
gravel on top of hard pack it's going to
be a lot looser it's not going to be as
comfortable to stop on that
hard pack a lot better you're going to
have a lot more traction on that
embedded rock that's got a lot more
the tread on your tire matters a lot
my point is there are a lot of factors
that affect
front braking off-road the more you
practice the more you're going to become
take a look at your adventure bike it's
only got a small
single disc rotor in the rear now take a
look at the front wheel on your
adventure motorcycle
most adventure motorcycles have two
large disc rotors in the front
this is why the front brake provides
most of your stopping power
abs can affect front braking off-road
some motorcycles have simple abs systems
some motorcycles have sophisticated abs
systems the best way for you to get
is to ride the motorcycle if you have a
sophisticated abs system
go through all the modes practice on
multiple different environments
until you get comfortable with how abs
reacts when you're using your front
brake off-road
i use my front brake almost everywhere
when i ride off-road
if you've been hesitant to use your
front brake off road find a safe
practice at slow speeds gain confidence
and make your front brake your friend