In 1983 Cosgrove Hall released their timeless adaptation of the Wind in the Willows. Their classic stop animation film omitted a few chapters from the Kenneth Grahame novel. In particular, Wayfarers All, The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn and The Further Adventures Of Toad.
These chapters were later included in the full series which aired on ITV.
I'm a huge fan of the original film and decided to try and edit them into the original film. It was a tricky task as I had to edit around any appearances of Toad when he was supposed to be in jail (as per the original timeline of the novel).
I decided not to remove the voice of the Narrator (a feature of the series but not the original movie) as his narration helps somewhat to set the scene for these additional chapters.
I hope you enjoy the extended cut of The Wind in the Willows.
All copyright belongs to Cosgrove Hall.