In this video we will discuss about
What is the Procedure in Dubai After Attested my Degree form Pakistan Pat 2 | Dubai Degree Procedures.
This is my new Part 2 Vlog where I Explain about Dubai Embassy I am attesting my documents in Dubai What I have done and What is Procedure After Attesting my Degree to Dubai Embassy, The degree of ICS means Pakistani 12th degree In Dubia. The way to go to Dubai Pakistan General Consulate in Dubai. I see many places on the way like Pakistan Dubai Embassy from Satwa onward but this time I Explain about Degree Procedures after Degree attestation from Dubai Embassy in Dubai Mall. Today I wear my special clothes formal way. Last Time I take a 14-number bus from Satwa to Dubai Pakistan Embassy but this time I take 88 number bus to Dubai Mall. Mostly red color Buses move to Dubai.
There are many offices near the Dubai Embassy like a foreign office in Dubai but this time I explain everything from another side like Dubai. Now my 2-year visa procedure is completed by my printing press Company. There are many steps to proceed with the Visa in Dubai. I will make every step vlog in D Vlog.
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My last video Links: • My Dubai Room Tour as a bed space per... • Dubai main mojza ? Glasses Waly nay p... • Wapis room kesy jaoon ab! Dubai bus c... My Social Media Links: My FB page: / inspirationalgrpahicdesigns My Instagram: I'm on Instagram as @shahenshah_abbas_786. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. My LinkedIn page: / inspirational-graphic-design
#DVlogDubai #DegreeAttestationPart2 #DubaiEmbassy #DegreeAttestationProcedurePart2