Do you recognize these sounds? Does your baby? Listening intently (with everything else being quiet) is a great way to engage your child's sense of hearing, with the bonus of getting to learn the sounds animals make!
In this video Teacher Jen will model activities that promote your baby’s brain growth and development. Babies can watch and learn while caregivers also learn the best ways to play, interact and promote learning throughout the day.
Learn a variety of baby sign language that you can use throughout your day, when changing baby, playing and singing!
Teacher Jen is an expert at encouraging speech and language development, engaging toddlers and babies, and making learning fun! Her methods and curriculum are backed by experts and research in the early childhood development field, which she also uses in her day job working with children with autism.
The following baby songs are featured:
Peekaboo Song
The Wheels on the Bus
Hurry Hurry Drive The Fire Truck
I love my Mama
Roly Poly
Explore Teacher Jen's LEARN TO TALK YouTube Channel for many more baby learning videos, toddler learning videos, educational videos for toddlers, baby sign videos, learning videos for toddlers, Baby Learning Videos for babies to watch, Learn To Talk videos, Talking Time, Talking Toddler, videos for 1 year olds, 2 year olds, baby sensory video, 3 year olds, 4 year olds and 5 year olds! She is a real childhood educator for kids with exceptionalities and has the best educational language development videos for toddlers and learning videos for kids.
If your baby is not meeting milestones, it's best to seek help as soon as possible. Talk to your family doctor about any concerns. Your child may qualify public services such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, and/or behaviour intervention. The sooner a child receives help, the better the outcomes!
Thank you for watching Teacher Jen!!
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