뽀로로의 새로운 영상을 가장 빠르게 만나는 방법!
지금 바로 뽀롱뽀롱 뽀로로 공식 유튜브 채널 [구독]버튼을 눌러주세요.
★뽀로로 유튜브 구독하기: / @pororo
Pororo and Eddy are riding their sled on ice when Poby dropped a box filled with balls. Helping Poby put the balls back in the box with a stick, they come up with an idea of a new game. A game that whoever puts the ball in the box first wins. Maybe ice hockey was invented like this...
Pororo, the mischievous penguin lives in a small village on a far far away ice island with his unlikely friends. In this village, Loopy the shy beaver, Poby the kind hearted polar bear, Eddy the smart fox, Petty the charming penguin girl and Crong the silly dinosaur all come together as good friends, best friends. No one knows how they ended up on the island, but they’ve got to stick together and make the best of it.
Let’s find out what Pororo and his friends will get into this time, enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe!