No 1 channel for SERU Assessment training. Complete the sentence or fill in the blanks type of questions and answers mock test for Section 1.
Please must watch our videos for SERU assessment PDF audio video version before you start watching this video, links are as below:
• Section 1- Part 1 - SERU Assessment A...
• Section 1- Part 2 - SERU Assessment A...
After this videos please watch simple multiple choice video:
• Section 1 - Mock test - SERU ASSESSME...
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It's essential that London PHV drivers have an appropriate understanding of safety, equality and regulatory requirements that apply to them. This helps ensure public safety and will enhance levels of customer service.
SERU requirement:
The safety, equality and regulatory understanding (SERU) requirement came into force on 1 October 2021. It applies to both new applicants and those applying to renew their PHV driver licence.
This SERU requirement includes:
a) Drivers' obligations under the PHV (London) Act 1998 including the associated regulations and relevant obligations including under the Equality Act 2010;
b) Policies and guidance issued by Transport for London (TfL) or other persons which are relevant to London PHV drivers;
c) The particular needs of passengers that arise because a passenger has (or may have) a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010;
d) Protecting children and adults at risk from harm and abuse;
e) Passenger and driver safety;
f) Road and vehicle safety.