The upcoming opening of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, India has created a sense of global anticipation. The event, scheduled for January 22nd, is not just being awaited by citizens of India, but by devotees and followers from around the world. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad organized a car rally in New Jersey, United States as an early commemoration of the Pran Pratishtha ceremony, with participation from the Hindu community across the region. The fervor extends to Nepal and Sri Lanka as well, with both countries contributing sacred gifts for the temple's construction. The Ram Lalla idol, a symbol central to the temple's significance, is now stationed in the garbhagriha. The preparations for the temple's opening are shining a light on the unifying strength of shared devotion, transcending geographical boundaries. With excitement building across the globe, the Ram Temple's opening is set to be a landmark moment not only for Ayodhya and India, but for the devotees worldwide. #AyodhyaRamTemple #PranPratishthaCeremony #GlobalDevotion #RamLallaIdol #VishwaHinduParishad #RamTempleOpening #rammandirinauguration #22january2024
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