muhabt me dard 💔🥀tahzeeb hafi Poetry 😭 l sad status l love poetry status l hate status l parizaad

Sad Writes🦋

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love محبت دکھ درد 💔🥀tahzeeb hafi Poetry 😭 l sad status l love poetry status l hate status l parizaad @SadWrites #urdupoetry #brokenheart #emotionalstatus

💓🥀 urdu deep line poetry 😭 l hate story poetry l parizaad poetry status @sad writes 🦋 #1_no_tranding

😲🥀 urdu deep line poetry 😭 hate story poetry|parizaad poetry status#sadwrites#lyrics

@Syeda Zainab Ali
@Ali Wri8s
@Sad Writes🦋
@Basit Creation
@𝐎𝐯𝐢𝐢 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬
@Imran Khan
@Imaan Writes7

😲💓 urdu deep line poetry 😭l hate story poetry l parizaad poetry status#sadwrites#lyrics

😭🥀urdu deep line poetry 💔hate story poetry status|parizaad poetry status#sadwrites#lyrics

#sadwrites #lyrics #urdupoetry

#sadwrites #poctry #lyrics
=Original Credits=
Voice over by {-Tik Tok #saba]
Video background and images by: [Momina Sundas Syeda]


Please doni go out of your way to hate anyonethis chanel is meat to entertain peaple and I usually focuson criticizing what people do Nol individual please relrainfram spreading hatred lts all abuut poetry

Under Section 107 of ihe Copyright Righis Act 1976. the alllowance is given for fair use for purposes sUch asscrilicism Commentary news reporting feaching scholarshi pand restarch Fair uSE is a uspermitted by copyright law ihat may olherwise be infringed Nonprafit, educational or personal use suggestions strike a balance in favor of fair use

Source of images Google

@Sad Writes🦋
@The Viral Status
@Ducky Bhai
@Imran Khan

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