Japanese songs you need to have in your playlist


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Spotify link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6Mf...
Twitter:   / kneon77  

These are some songs from my playlist that I really like and I want to share them with more people so I made this video. Hope you all will like it as well

*I do not own any rights to the songs in this video*

Also shoutout to hasoyi for the mention!
Hasoyi has alot of cool japanese/korean playlist at her channel so go and check it out!
Hasoyi's channel:    / @hasoyi  

Background from 言の葉の庭 (The Garden of Words)

Songs from the playlist:
1. (0:00) KOPI / KOBASOLO – Swayed in Spring Reiniscence
2. (04:11) Sakanaction – Shin Takarajima
3. (09:13) Memai Siren - Nisemono no Utage
4. (13:18) nowisee – Lifeline
5. (17:46) Minami – Kawaki Wo Ameku
6. (22:00) THE BINARY – Zurukute Sugoi
7. (25:50) Moshimo - YADAYADA
8. (30:15) Takeuchi Anna – I My Me Myself
9. (34:36) Vivid Undress – Sayonara Dilemma
10. (38:34) 花譜 – そして花になる
11. (43:00) Memai Siren - 明滅する
12. (46:22) びわ湖くん - 都会っ子田舎っ子
13. (50:08) THE BINARY - 夜食
14. (53:39) Mafumafu - 曼珠沙華 (Manjushage)
15. (57:50) Minami – Lilac
16. (1:02:51) Kujira feat.ADO - 金木犀 (Kinmokusei)
17. (1:05:11) nowisee – Confusion
18. (1:09:28) Minami - Prologue
19. (1:14:57) Yorushika - 藍二乗 (Ainijou)
20. (1:19:02) Ieiri Leo – Silly
21. (1:23:31) Vivid Undress – Yours
22. (1:28:26) Emiko Suzuki X Seiji Kameda – Front Memory
23. (1:31:21) Frederic – ODDLOOP
24. (1:35:32) たんこぶちん – Hanabi
25. (1:39:58) Frederic – ONLYWONDER

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