Raw and Busted Podcast: Episode 2 with Abhishek Kar.Welcome to the second episode of Raw and Busted! Today, we delve deep with Abhishek Kar, a financial maestro who has transformed the lives of over 15,000 students through his insightful training initiatives. With the firm conviction that merely existing is not truly living, Abhishek has been the embodiment of the belief that limits are just an illusion.
In this riveting episode, we touch on everything from the realities of trading to intriguing ghost stories. Hear about Abhishek's insights on financial education, the landscape of finfluencers, the real stories behind big financial names, and much more.
Whether you're a seasoned trader, an aspiring financier, or just someone intrigued by the vast world of stock markets, this episode promises enlightening discussions and powerful takeaways. So, grab a seat and dive into the world of Raw and Busted with us!
Full Podcast Link: • 2 करोड़ ka Loss? - Abhishek Kar | Sca...
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Abhishek Kar: / @abhishekkar
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Imperfect Mentor: / @theimperfectmentor