The story begins with Arjun working in a band with his family, consisting of three sisters and his widowed mother. Arjun falls in love with the daughter of an MLA, who was involved with his family. The police make a false accusation against Arjun and his sisters and accuse them of being sex workers. It turns out that the MLA is behind the case. His sisters end up being sexually assaulted by the MLA, and two of them end up committing suicide. Arjun decides to seek vengeance against the goons. and with some toil and foil he eventually outsmarts them.
Movie:- Agniputra (2000) अग्निपुत्र
Starcast:- Mithun Chakraborty, Shashikala, Deep Shikha, Maleeka R Ghai
Directed by:- B. Vijay Reddy
Produced by:- J. K. Movie Units
Music by:- Nikhil-Vinay, Rajesh Roshan
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