Second Derivative | 1D Heat Conduction | Lecture 4 | Simulating Fluid Flows Using Python

Tanmay Agrawal

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838 views since Nov 26, 2023

In this lecture, we will extend our understanding of finite difference method (FDM) to evaluate second derivatives. Also, we will take up a numerical problem to understand the applicability of these methods.

Suggested readings:

An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method: Highly recommended for this course.
PS: Excellent discussion on turbulence!

Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow: Excellent book oriented towards a physical understanding of various concepts.
PS: The author invented SIMPLE method :)

00:01 - Lecture Outline
02:06 - Second Derivative Discretization
07:12 - One Dimensional Heat Conduction



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