K e n n y G Greatest Hits ~ Jazz Music ~ Top 200 Jazz Artists of All Time
K e n n y G Greatest Hits ~ Jazz Music ~ Top 200 Jazz Artists of All Time
[00:00:00] - 01. T̲he̲̲ M̲o̲̲me̲̲nt
[00:04:36] - 02. F̲o̲̲re̲̲ve̲̲r I̲̲̲n L̲o̲̲ve̲̲
[00:08:43] - 03. S̲o̲̲ngbi̲̲rd
[00:12:50] - 04. S̲e̲̲nti̲̲me̲̲nta̲̲l
[00:17:05] - 05. S̲i̲̲lho̲̲u̲̲e̲̲tte̲̲
[00:21:51] - 06. B̲y T̲he̲̲ T̲i̲̲me̲̲ T̲hi̲̲s N̲i̲̲ght I̲̲̲s O̲̲̲ve̲̲r
[00:26:16] - 07. H̲a̲̲ve̲̲ Y̲o̲̲u̲̲rse̲̲lf A̲̲̲ M̲e̲̲rry L̲i̲̲ttle̲̲ C̲hri̲̲stma̲̲s
[00:30:08] - 08. T̲he̲̲me̲̲ F̲ro̲̲m 'dyi̲̲ng Y̲o̲̲u̲̲ng'
[00:34:06] - 09. B̲y T̲he̲̲ T̲i̲̲me̲̲ T̲hi̲̲s N̲i̲̲ght I̲̲̲s O̲̲̲ve̲̲r
#KennyG #Jazz #Jazzmusic #Jazzsongs
greatest hits, playlist, best songs, album, top songs, Jazz music, Jazz songs