The story revolves around a clever and courageous young girl known as "Little Red Riding Hood" for the striking red hood she always wears.
One day, she's tasked by her mother to visit her ailing grandmother, and on her way through the forest, she encounters a wolf.
Will she outsmart the wolf with her intelligence and bravery to safely reach her grandmother's house?
00:00 Intro
00:36 Smile in the Sunshine
01:02 The Birth of a New Name - Little Red Riding Hood
01:45 Little Red Riding Hood Sets Off
02:31 Scenic Journey Through the Forest
03:10 The Wolf's Scheme
04:58 Encounter Between Granny and the Wolf
05:18 Granny in Peril
05:32 Little Red Riding Hood's Flower Gathering
05:47 The Wolf's Revelation
06:32 A Perilous Conclusion?
06:45 Hunter's Surprising Discovery
07:17 Joyful Reunion
07:47 Reflections of Little Red Riding Hood
08:03 Another Encounter with the Wolf
08:27 Wolf's Deceptive Plan Resurfaces
08:56 Granny's Cunning Arrangement
09:18 The Culmination of Wisdom
09:37 Little Red Riding Hood's Triumph
09:51 Importance of Self-protection