Easiest and Fastest Bedbug Trap ever


2,990 Subscribers

804,616 views since Nov 26, 2023

¤¬__Link to the Co2 Bedbug Trap website__ http://julesnoise.com/

¤¬__Links to the other Bedbug Videos:

Making a CO2 bedbug trap with plastic containers
   • Making a CO2 Bedbug Trap with Plastic...  

The Bedbug Shield
   • The Bedbug Shield  

Bedbug Shield - Box Spring & Mattress
   • Video  

Bedbug Shield - Couch
   • Bedbug Shield - Couch  

Bedbug - RIP
   • Video  

Easiest and fastest bedbug trap ever
   • Easiest and Fastest Bedbug Trap ever  

Best Bedbug Mom in the World
   • Best Bedbug Mom in the World  

CO2 Bedbug Trap - Making traps
   • CO2 Bedbug Trap - Making Traps  

CO2 Bedbug Trap - Making CO2
   • CO2 Bedbug Trap - Making CO2  

CO2 Bedbug Trap - The Recipe
   • CO2 Bedbug Trap - The Recipe  

The CO2 Bedbug Trap
   • The CO2 Bedbug Trap  

Four 500ml bottles, four straws that bends, one drinking glass.
Fabrication time five minutes or less
Cut the straw high enough so that it does not touch the bottom of the glass. It can touch the sides of the glass but not the bottom where bedbugs will be stuck.
You do not need to seal the straw to the bottle like it is shown on the video. A comment made by an experienced user (DonaldTrump) indicated that any little amount of co2 that gets out will trickle down into the bowl anyway. He is right, thank you for his insight. There is nothing better than experience, it helps to make the trap even easier.

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