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#一帶一路 #BRI
00:00 開頭
01:26 【台灣樂作】廣告段落
02:08 一帶一路:中國的西進戰略
03:46 150+國參與!一帶一路規模有多大?
05:08 一帶一路影響:正面
05:45 一帶一路影響:負面
07:10 近況:一帶一路還有吸引力嗎?
08:39 近況:中國不再大手筆借錢?
09:58 一帶一路,之後會怎樣?
11:46 我們的觀點
12:59 提問
13:18 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→ China’s Belt and Road Initiative Enters Its Second Decade: Which Leaders Went to Beijing to Celebrate with Xi Jinping? | Council on Foreign Relations:https://is.gd/8aCHrL
→ How the U.S. Should Respond to China's Belt and Road:https://is.gd/7ghaNz
→ Belt and Road Tracker | Council on Foreign Relations:https://is.gd/R76x5a
→ Ten years of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Evolution and the road ahead – Green Finance & Development Center:https://is.gd/kqO1BU
→ How Is the Belt and Road Initiative Advancing China’s Interests? | ChinaPower Project:https://is.gd/8HMwrH
→ Why Is Italy Withdrawing From China’s Belt and Road Initiative? | Council on Foreign Relations:https://is.gd/joAtcU
→ Why China is Rebooting the Belt and Road Initiative | United States Institute of Peace:https://is.gd/r6OHMC
→ China’s Belt & Road Initiative:https://is.gd/HambDM
→ China spent $240 billion bailing out 'Belt and Road' countries - study | Reuters:https://is.gd/HzE7Ez
→ Why China is Rebooting the Belt and Road Initiative | United States Institute of Peace:https://is.gd/r6OHMC
→ China's Belt and Road came at 'right time' for Africa, says AU official - Nikkei Asia:https://is.gd/inQE5A
→ Belt and Road Initiative transforming Africa's development landscape: Experts | english.scio.gov.cn:https://is.gd/B94b1q
→ China Reins In Its Belt and Road Program, $1 Trillion Later - WSJ:https://is.gd/02td9D
→ China’s Belt and Road Initiative will keep testing the West:https://is.gd/WITL6I
→ Will the U.S. Plan to Counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative Work? | Council on Foreign Relations:https://is.gd/TgPQgt
→ Who gains the most from China’s Belt and Road Initiative?:https://is.gd/BEStwu
→ The path ahead for China’s Belt and Road Initiative:https://is.gd/6BNPhK
→ From railways to 5G: why China is plugging into the Digital Silk Road | South China Morning Post:https://is.gd/QR6IaO
→ How China Lends A Rare Look into 100 Debt Contracts with Foreign Governments | aiddata:https://is.gd/Fvm6GR
→ Banking on the Belt and Road: Insights from a new global dataset of 13427 Chinese development projects:https://is.gd/hACpux
→ 一帶一路峰會時隔四年重開,俄烏戰爭巴以衝突致影響力參與度下降|Whatsnew|端傳媒 Initium Media:https://is.gd/qS3wLU
→ 總投資近萬億美元,中國還能維繫「一帶一路」模式嗎 - 紐約時報中文網:https://is.gd/c5rmbr
→ 「一帶一路」倡議十週年 改變世界的成敗與未來 - BBC News 中文:https://is.gd/PvMxBn
→ 習近平和普丁強調「一帶一路」是通往全球新秩序之路 - 華爾街日報:https://is.gd/i7gYR9
→ 中國重啟「一帶一路」倡議 - 華爾街日報:https://is.gd/UOkQrg
→ 中國「一帶一路」十年》最大受援國「巴基斯坦」怎麼看?|天下雜誌:https://is.gd/021j3L
→ 中國「一帶一路」投資發生變化 日經中文網:https://is.gd/FyY6HY
→ 印度、中東和歐洲的「三方經濟走廊」能否抗衡中國的「一帶一路」 - BBC News 中文:https://is.gd/S19I4p
→ 一帶一路峰會揭幕,中國還能繼續灑錢嗎?俄羅斯打什麼主意?|天下雜誌:https://is.gd/03Rqnk
→ 中國一帶一路峰會登場 蒲習會面有意深化合作 | 公視新聞網 PNN:https://is.gd/vpi1zy
→ 一帶一路的十年再出發(上)習近平「意外的天可汗」西進戰略 | 政經角力 | 轉角國際 udn Global:https://is.gd/XvCsa2
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