? 18th Annual Minnesota Muslim Convention 2023 | Minneapolis, MN | Ustadth Nouman Ali Khan Highlights! ?
? Event Date: September 16, 2023
? Join us for an Unforgettable Day of Faith, Knowledge, and Community Celebration!
? The 18th Annual Minnesota Muslim Convention brought together believers from all walks of life, fostering a sense of unity, faith, and knowledge-sharing. Dive into the heart of Minneapolis, MN, as we reflect on a day filled with enlightenment and spiritual growth.
?️ Convention Presenter Extraordinaire: Ustadth Nouman Ali Khan!
? Renowned Thought Leader
? Inspirational Speaker
? Quranic Scholar
⚡ Event Highlights:
? Community Bonding: Connect with like-minded individuals and celebrate the strength of our Muslim community.
?️ Thought-Provoking Presentations: Ustadth Nouman Ali Khan's impactful insights captivated minds and inspired hearts.
? Family-Friendly Atmosphere: Embrace the joy of faith with your loved ones, creating lasting memories.
? Key Features:
? Knowledge Expansion: Explore diverse topics and gain a deeper understanding of Islam through engaging discussions.
? Dynamic Speakers: The convention showcased a lineup of dynamic speakers, offering unique perspectives and valuable lessons.
? Spiritual Connection: Rediscover your spiritual journey through prayer, reflection, and community engagement.
? Relive the Moments:
? Check out the event recap for a visual journey through the convention's highlights.
? Exclusive Interviews: Hear from attendees, speakers, and organizers about their experiences and takeaways.
? Connect with Us:
? Official Website: https://www.mnmuslimcon.com/
? Social Media: Follow us on facebook.com/MASMINNESOTA/, twitter.com/MASMinnesota and instagram.com/masminnesotafor updates, photos, and more!
? Save the Date for Next Year!
Mark your calendars for the 19th Annual Minnesota Muslim Convention in 2024. Stay tuned for exciting updates!
? Thank You for Being a Part of This Spiritual Journey! ?
? Explore More: https://www.mnmuslimcon.com/
? #MinnesotaMuslimConvention #UstadhNoumanAliKhan #FaithInCommunity
? Subscribe to our YouTube channel for full event coverage and speaker sessions.
? Let's Continue to Grow Together in Faith and Unity! ?