My Telegram channel :
Instagram: / ptuxerman
Lesha's channel on life in Vancouver: / axiserif
Music :
Bonus Points :
Blue Wednesday:
Mr.Goldenfold: / mrgoldenfold
EEHOU: / eehou
Guggenz :
Joakim Karud : / joakimkarud
OUSKA / ouska
My equipment:
Cameras • На что ты снимаешь, чувак?
Drones • Моя летная эскадрилья. Дроны, на кото...
Thumbnail to this video is provided by Alexey Gorohov.
Table of Contents
02:11 Toronto, reminiscent of New-York
05:07 Memes review of Canada
07:55 Immigrants
09:40 Things to see in Toronto
12:32 Weed and coffee shops in Canada.
21:02 A Canadian house.
22:19 Can you survive jumping off Niagara Falls?
25:32 Wild Canada. Banff and Jasper.
33:27 Athabasca Glacier.
37:19 The Bear Hunt!
40:23 Amazingly awesome Vancouver.
45:28 Shooting blockbusters in Vancouver.
48:58 The way of life in Canada.
51:22 Killer Whales
53:29 Hydro-plane flight over Vancouver.