Free Preschool Class - Week 6 Little Faith Builders Preschool- Building the Ark and Letter P!

Elisa Caster

110 Subscribers

1,273 views since Oct 30, 2023

The sixth in a year-long series of fun and free preschool classes from Little Faith Builders Preschool! This week our lesson from the Bible is- Building the Ark and from the alphabet- Letter P! We will be learning all about obeying God even when those around you are making fun of you. If you want your child to love learning and love the Lord, then Little Faith Builders Preschool is the place for you!
3K Letter P Practice Sheet
4K Letter P Practice Sheet
Pumpkin Craft- There is no template for this craft. You will need orange and green construction paper, scissors, 2 paper fasteners, a ruler and a pencil.



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