Thank you so much for joining us online!! We here at Avenue Kids are so excited to kick off our theme for the month of November, Shout Out: Who have you thanked today?!
Gratitude sometimes feels like a lost art. Yet gratitude is an idea close to God’s heart. Think about all of the Bible
stories where people gave thanks to God. The Israelites celebrated God with feasts and festivals. The writers of the
Psalms wrote songs of praise to thank God for being faithful. Throughout this month, we hope kids will learn to be
grateful for everything God has done: for the world God made, for the promises God has kept, and for the new life God
offers the world through Jesus. When we remember all of these things, we can always be thankful.
Monthly Memory Verse: Psalm 136:1, NIV “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.”