Hi there! Welcome to my channel. I’m Laura, a Belgian medical student and you’re probably currently watching me study. I love live streaming while studying, because then I can interact with other students and it motivates me to keep on going. So thank you so much for clicking on this video. ^-^
- - - - - Here’s how the stream works: - - - - -
I study for 50 minutes and take a 10 minute break, then another 50 minutes, 10 minute break and so on. During the break, we can chat, have a nice conversation and just relax. When I’m studying, I don’t really look at the chat, so sometimes it can take some time for me answering, hopefully you don’t mind. :)
You are currently watching my exam streams. These are scheduled streams. Link to study schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/...
Thank you so much for watching and enjoy!
Outro music: FASSounds - good night