Tsunami warning: Britain could be hit by 30m wave - Professor warns of hazards to Britain- NASA News
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While many believe the British Isles are not classically associated with seismic activity such as earthquakes and tsunamis, there is evidence that it has been hit before. One such example is the Storegga landslide off the coast of Norway which led to a 20-metre high tsunami hitting the British Isles 8,200 years ago. The Storegga landslide unleashed a huge wave on Britain’s northern islands as an underwater land mass larger than Scotland broke away from the seabed off Norway and rolled downhill. It was thought to be a one-off event but scientists have uncovered evidence suggesting at least two more tsunamis took place. There were also examples of tsunamis hitting Britain 1,500 years ago and 5,000 years ago, although it is unsure what caused them. Now, experts have warned that Britain could be under threat from another massive tsunami – but they do not know when it will hit, or how these mega-waves are generated. Typically, tsunamis are formed as a result of huge earthquakes along the ocean floor. But Britain is not near a fault line, meaning a tsunami is not likely generated by tremors. Dave Tappin of the British Geological Survey (BGS) told Express.co.uk: “The hazards in Britain: There are two factors to it. One is a giant submarine landslide off the coast of Norw...