Making eggplant salad / Mazali baqlajon yemaganman

Kitchen Food2

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176 views since Nov 26, 2023

Making eggplant salad / baqlajon salatini tayyorlash. Mazali baqlajon yemaganman
In this video, we'll teach you how to make an easy eggplant salad that you'll love! This salad is perfect for summertime, and is perfect for meal prepping or bringing to a summer barbecue.

We'll show you how to make the perfect texture and flavor in this salad, and you'll love the results! This salad is easy to make, and is sure to be a hit at your next cookout or barbecue!

4 baqlajon.
1 piyoz.
1 chimdik maydanoz.
400 gramm qiyma go'sht.
tuz. qora qalampir. Qizil kukunli qalampir.
200 ml qaymoq.
2 tuxum.
1 choy qoshiq qizil qalampir kukuni.
4 osh qoshiq un.
qovurish uchun yog'.
1 piyola yogurt.
1 chinnigullar sarimsoq.
Qizil kukunli qalampir.
Yuvish uchun 2 litr suv.
2 osh qoshiq tuz.
Iltimos, retseptni boshidan oxirigacha diqqat bilan kuzatib boring.
va retsept bo'yicha aniq amal qilib ko'ring.
Agar mening retseptim sizga yoqsa, like bosing.
va fikr bildirishni unutmang
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