10 seats in a restaurant but 500 orders a day! Hurricane cooking!!! | Japanese street food

Japanese food craftsman

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This restaurant only has 10 seats but has over 500 orders in a day! Witness the amazing speed of this chef who cooks katsudon at hurricane speeds and embodies Japanese resilience and hardwork!


Katsudon 喝鈍 法善寺横町店

📁 屋台動画(Yatai Japanese street food Video) 📁

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🇬🇧【屋台 Yatai】After 7 years of cooking training in England, came back here finally.
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🏃【屋台 Yatai】Anybody who can build a store on the road in 2 hours?
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🔔【Old Style Street Food 屋台】Children gather together by the ring bell like Showa era
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👯【屋台 Yatai】Family ties, Mom and daughter are really nice friendship.
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🇨🇵 Friendly FRENCHMAN runs this JAPANESE Food Stall in Fukuoka! Real Yatai Business!
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👴👵【Old Style_Yatai 屋台】79 years old husband and wife running food stall together since 1950.
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⛩【Yatai 屋台】 praying to household shrine before opening food stall.
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📁日本のパン動画 (Japanese Bread Video)📁

🍞【Japanese Bread】Over 40 kinds of bread there every morning.
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🍞【Japanese bread】 Have you ever worked so early in the morning.一本堂
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📁ラーメン動画(Noodle Video)📁

🍜ラーメンOld Style_Ramen】The Model of NARUTO's Ramen Shop
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🍜【ラーメン Ramen】A rare material contains their Ramen.変わった"高級食材"のどくろラーメン職人
   • Phantom Fish RAMEN!? Rare Ingredients...  

🍜【ラーメン Ramen】Ramen without additives: Good for health
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#Katsu #かつ丼 #japanesefood

00:00 Introduction | 概要
00:32 Exterior & Inside | 外観&店内
00:43 Menu | メニュー
00:47 Food Prep | 仕込み
02:38 Broth | つゆ
04:09 Fried Pork Combo | カツ丼
05:25 Fried Pork Bowl | ソースカツ丼

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