Sharpening a kitchen knife sharpening on my Tormek T-8, with the tomato and paper trick!
Here I take another kitchen knife and give it some really nasty beatings.. It's 10 years old and has been discarded many years ago. So why not?!
Filming this took 1-2 hours but this can easily be done in about 5-10 minutes.. Or less if you stick with the SG-250 stone.
There's a lot of comments about sharpening knives on the Tormek T8 vs. flat stones. Some people prefer flat stones over a Tormek and of course.. I would do the same, if you only need to sharpen a couple of knives or one.
But when you sharpen 20, 50 or even 100 at the time, this machine can't be beaten by flat stones.
I use this for almost all my sharpening: axes, knives, gouges, turning tools etc. And of course for customers: scissors, kitchenknives etc.
ASMR for the people!
/ woodcraftbyjonasals