In 5000 B.C., a group of ten immortal individuals descends upon Earth to protect humanity from the Deviants. They are the Eternals, sent from their home planet of Olympia by the Prime Celestial: Arishem the Judge.
Ikaris, Makkari, Kingo, Thena, and Gilgamesh begin fighting the Deviants on Mesopotamia beach. After eliminating the attackers, Druig controls the mind of ancient Mesopotamians to accept their alien visitors, and Sersi gives a boy a knife as an odd greeting.
What do you think of the fight scene? Did you find any interesting facts? Do you have any suggestions or ideas? Share your opinion with the world in the comment section below. I put the video in 4K, extracted the background music score, and removed the irrelevant parts of the scene to help you focus thoroughly on CGI, SFX, and the acting.
0:00 | The Deviants Attack Mesopotamia
0:21 | Ikaris Stops a Flying Deviant
0:44 | Makkari and Kingo Stop a Deviant Together
1:08 | Thena and Gilgamesh Stop a Deviant Together
1:36 | Druig Controls the Mind of Ancient Mesopotamians
2:16 | Ajak Heals Ikaris
2:32 | Sersi Gives a Boy a Knife as A Greeting
2:56 | More Scenes
[The Original Movie]
Release date: November 5, 2021
Director: Chloé Zhao
Writers: Chloé Zhao, Patrick Burleigh, Ryan Firpo, Kaz Firpo
Stars: Gemma Chan, Richard Madden, Angelina Jolie
IMDB: 6.3 of 10 based on 330,634 users
© 2021 MARVEL
© 2021 Disney Entertainment
#Eternals #Ikaris #Thena #Makkari #Gilgamesh #Kingo #Ajak #Sersi #Druig #Sprite #Phastos #Deviants