Apple just-released iOS 17 and there are many new features to learn about. It gives your iPhone’s call screen a makeover while allowing for custom contact posters. Other big new updates include live voicemail, FaceTime video messages and custom stickers.
WSJ’s Joanna Stern helps you find all the new stuff.
0:00 iOS 17
0:46 Contact Poster
1:32 NameDrop
2:23 FaceTime video messages
3:03 Live voicemail
4:02 StandBy mode
4:46 Duckin’ autocorrect
5:15 Measure screen distance
5:53 Personal voice
7:17 Custom stickers
7:40 Check In messages
8:28 Seven bonus tips!
Tech Things With Joanna Stern
Everything is now a tech thing. In creative and humorous videos, WSJ senior personal tech columnist Joanna Stern explains and reviews the products, services and trends that are changing our world.
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