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Blue Wednesday:
David Cutter:
Asokah: / asokah
Sibot: / sibot
Mr.Goldenfold: / mrgoldenfold
Guggenz :
Esbe : / esbe1988
Annaland: / annaland
OUSKA: / ouska
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My instagram: / ptuxerman
Masha's instagram: / mariyahummingbird
Recording, editing and so on -- by myself
02:33 ААААh!!! or first minutes in Japan
03:47 Bloody/Cozy Tokio metro
06:15 The reason why I love Japan
08:40 Slot machines
10:18 Harajuku and Japan fasion
11:28 Animals. Dog's cafe
13:22 Why do Japanese work so long and what is Karoshi
15:00 SAKURA!!!!!!
21:37 How do Japanese apartment looks like
23:34 Unusual ramen
25:20 Akihabara. Owls and videogame shop
28:50 Fujiyama and the most famous view of japan
30:56 Music route
34:12 The Suicide forest
38:00 Kioto
40:47 Bamboo Grove
41:30 The most beautiful temple in Kioto
42:40 Ryokan. Traditional Japanese house
43:42 My feedback about Japan