My cat has epilepsy, although lots of symptoms of vestibular disease.He is almost 9 yrs old and only developed epilepsy in May this yr(2009). He is on phenobarbitol 30mg per day and a B1 supplement . I filmed this seizure for his neurologist as the specialists and the vets so rarely get to see cat seizures as they are very unusual. Pup has a seuzure approx once a month although has gone up to 8 wks between seizures. It takes him abouyt 24hrs og cage rest and then he if off out again as if nothing happened. Completely happy cat the rest of the time. I have found other videos so helpful and if anyone wants to ask any questions, especially if you are in the same or similar situation please ask. I have taken Pup to the top animal neurologist in Europe as well as had many other opinions, I might be able to help!!!
Please be advised, this video is for educational purposes only.