00:00:35 The audio started earlier than the video.
00:03:50 James 1:13
00:03:20 James 1:12-14
00:08:10 Hebrews 4:14,15
00:09:40 Colossians 1:9
00:11:00 I Timothy 3:16
00:13:40 Micah 5:2
00:22:05 Textus Receptus info.
00:27:00 Revelation 1:1
00:29:25 Revelation 1:4-8
00:32:45 Now Bob the Thug and his idiots are causing some problems.
00:35:15 Who sits on the throne in Revelation?
00:35:45 He thinks that Jesus is sitting on the throne!!
00:36:50 Revelation 22:1-4
00:40:10 Revelation 1:4
00:44:35 Revelation 1:4-8
00:48:45 You are such a deceiver.
01:04:10 That's if you can find the word Godhead in the Greek.
In this video Will is speaking to a trinitarian who calls himself godhead at Speakers Corner and they decided not to have a timed discussion, because this would be too boring for the viewers. They had a very good back and forth, with their voices being clear throughout the majority of the video, due to the new microphones that I was trying out. The discussion went on for a while and Will had the trinitarian under pressure for the majority of the conversation.