In a recent interview with India Today, the Prime Minister engaged in a discourse on pressing topics such as the 2024 elections, national security, and the global disorder. Engaging on a personal level, the Prime Minister was questioned about India’s balancing act amidst mini conflicts like Ukraine and Gaza. The Prime Minister elucidated his position by stating that 'honest dialogue and sincere diplomacy in an atmosphere free from fear and coercion' should be the path forward for resolving differences. This approach, sometimes referred as the 'Modi Way', presents an unfiltered view of India’s stance on national security and the wider global disorder. #NationalSecurity #GlobalDisorder #PrimeMinister #IndiaToday #HonestDialogue #SincereDiplomacy #2024Elections #Ukraine #Gaza #ModiWay #shivaroor #rajdeepsardesai #rajchengappa
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