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Barracks allow you to train troops that will be stationed in Army Camps.
Barracks train at half the normal rate when being upgraded, considerably increasing the time it takes to train your armies; this should be taken into consideration when deciding to upgrade your Barracks.
Once you have queued troops in your Barracks, you can instantly complete their training with Gems; the amount required is directly proportional to the amount of time remaining to finish training normally.
There is also an option to boost troop production for an hour. The boost option costs 30 Gems and will increase the training speed of all troops by a factor of 4.
Note: The boost timer will continue to count down even if you aren't making troops, so don't boost your Barracks until you are ready to use it.
When you click to boost the Barracks a clock appears for a few seconds.
Destroying a Barracks in an attack does not disrupt its production of troops in any way.
Troops that are trained are added to a training queue, shared with the Dark Barracks. The queue has a maximum capacity equal to twice your Army Camp capacity. For example, if your Army Camps can hold 200 housing spaces, the training queue can hold 400 housing spaces. This is useful because you may queue troops before engaging in combat (either single-player or multiplayer), and troop training will continue until the entire queue has been trained.
The queue is trained in the order that you select the troops, and one batch of troops is trained at a time. Troops of the same type will not be grouped together unless manually grouped afterward, so players could, for instance, train Barbarians and Archers alternately.
The first half of the queue (the first army's worth of troops) will enter the Army Camps when readied. Note that troops already in the Army Camps count as being in the first half of the queue, but do not appear in the queue.
The second half of the queue (the second army's worth of troops) is shaded light red and forms a "reserve" - troops from the reserve will enter the Army Camps once troops in the Army Camps are used and space is freed. When ready, troops in the reserve will display a tick. When donating troops, troops in the reserve will be given away first if possible, only using the troops in the Army Camps if there are none available in the reserve.
Note that if a troop in front of the queue cannot enter the Army Camps due to a lack of space to accommodate them (even if the Army Camp is not completely full), they will form the front of the reserve and block any troops behind them in the queue from entering the Army Camps unless moved away by the player.
While troops are in the queue, they can be moved around by the player, changing the order in which they are trained. If a troop that is not yet ready is moved to the front of the queue, the Barracks will immediately stop training the previous troop and start training the new troop but lose all training progress on the previous troop. On the other hand, if a reserve troop is moved to the front and there is space in the Army Camps for them, they will be moved immediately to the Army Camps.
Troops in the queue can be removed whether they are ready or not. If they were ready, they will have to be re-trained if re-added into the queue.