Kim calls for speedier war preparations during key plenary meeting

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김정은, 전원회의서 '전쟁준비 완성 박차' 국정원 "총선 앞두고 연초 北 군사도발 가능성 크다"

With North Korea's key party meeting underway leader Kim Jong-un has called for speedier war preparations.
South Korea's intelligence agency, meanwhile, says the regime will likely ramp up its provocations ahead of the general election in April next year.
Our defense correspondent Choi Min-jung has more.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on Wednesday reportedly called for efforts to "speed up war preparations," on the second-day session of the regime's year-end key plenary meeting.
According to North Korea's state-run Korean Central News Agency, Kim "set forth the militant tasks for the People's Army and the munitions industry, nuclear weapons, and civil defense sectors to further accelerate war preparations."
The KCNA also reported that the order comes amid the severe political and military situation on the Korean Peninsula,.. caused by "unprecedented" acts of confrontation from the U.S. and its followers.

The North Korean leader also vowed to expand and develop strategic cooperation with the anti-imperialist, independent countries.
Pundits say this could mean that Pyongyang could further strengthen ties with countries such as Russia.

Kim is also expected to issue a key message at the ongoing meeting,.. including a New Year's Day address.
Experts believe he will likely deliver a hostile message aimed at South Korea and the U.S.,.. as well as measures to ramp up military capabilities.

"So we can presume that they will continue to develop missiles and to develop all sorts of other defense preparations. And it's very astutely done to be as cost-effective as possible and particularly to project a larger image."

South Korea's foreign ministry expressed deep regret.

"North Korea is probably well aware that it has been squandering its scarce resources on strengthening its military capabilities, including nuclear weapons and missiles, making its economy and the livelihoods of its people more difficult."

Regardless,.. the regime is expected to carry out military provocations from early 2024.
The National Intelligence Service predicted Thursday, that North Korea is highly likely to engage in provocative actions ahead of South Korea's general election in April, as it did during previous elections in 2016 and 2020.
Considering North Korea's past behaviors and recent level of threats, the agency vowed to make efforts to establish early warning and preparedness with relevant ministries.
Choi Min-jung, Arirang News.

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2023-12-28, 18:00 (KST)



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