An eggdog in real life lol - the meme really exists (Oβ‘O)
He lookin so fine and cute with this haircut
Hi Sonja, this is my channel mmkay ;)
Pet Lovers(FB)
Please follow her:
/ groomer_andrea
Wise Woofers:
π Chase Cutler
π₯ Wheel
π Tyro Lavine
π Generic Scottish Channel
π Nick Moran
π Matty Harrison
π joshua xd
π Handly
π Luke
π Yoshi Doshi
π datruemlgmaster
π Mr. Megaman
π L² Studio
π Vegan Nomad Chick
π Hanna Liauchonak
π Nate
π lolyoshi
π Freddy
π Akira
π david sherman
πΌ MinipongTV
πΌ Josh Genet
πΌ Samuel John Gottschall
πΌ HybridGear
πΌ Yuri Ibraev
πΌ Kay Renee
πΌ Maciej Kowalski
πΌ Julianna Rose Provenzano
πΌ Luca Guarnaschelli
πΌ DoggoIsBorking
πΌ Just Martin
πΌ Ivan Sandoval
πΌ Brooks Gillmore
π= highest donor
π₯= second highest donor