Mike Tyson vs Evander Holyfield - All FOULS by Holyfield on Tyson, ear bite and aftermath


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Evander Holyfield vs Mike Tyson 2. June 28, 1997.
In one of the most memorable events in boxing history, this video attempts to slow down and show exactly how Evander Holyfield was able to commit numerous fouls on Mike Tyson and incite the infamous ear bite. Post-fight interviews by Don King, Tyson's manager as well as Tyson himself are included.

At the time, most commentators and observers could not see how Evander was doing it, insisting that his fouls were unintentional - and demonizing Tyson's behaviour as animal-like and mentally unstable.

Mike Tyson continued to be vilified for this one act, for years to come. And jokes are still made at his expense to this present day. I hope this video helps to repair this injustice, in whatever way it can.

One thing I think it's safe to deduce, is that if Holyfield had not fouled Tyson first - 8 TIMES in total, there would never have been an ear bite that night.

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