[Interview Part 2 of 2] How much does it take for Europe to snap out of its suicide mission to be the United States' willing executioner AND sacrificial lamb at the same time? Why are the Europeans willing to have their fellow Ukrainians and Russians slaughter each other over one of the most obvious great power conflicts since the 19th century (Crimean War 2.0) and in the process, destroy their own economies and welfare? The delusion of the elites on the continent—including in academia—needs serious attention.
Professor Tom Sauer and Professor Heinz Gärtner try to approach the question of Europe's collective madness and connect that to possible scenarios in the Ukraine Proxy War. Europe is caught in its own bizarre version of reality that has nothing to do with what is actually happening in contemporary international relations.
Part 1 of interview here: • Arms Control Is Dead. And So Might We...