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في هذا الفيديو ستتعلم 5 أسرار ونصائح عن فن الإلقاء والتقديم - كيف تلقي محاضرة ناجحة بدون خوف أو تردد! رستتعلم بعض
الأساليب في تنسيق الموضوع والعرض التقديمي وملف الباوربوينت😎❤️
In this video, you will learn 5 secrets & tips about giving a great presentation with no fear! Also, you will learn some tips for preparing the subject & designing your PowerPoint slides! ❤️😎
DISCLAIMER: All materials in this video are used for educational/entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. If you are, or represent, the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, please email us at [email protected]
A 30 seconds clip from the Movie: Glengarry Glen Ross (1992), was been used within the full video for educational purposes only.
#ناصرتون #NasserTone